发送一个“我们是”!, 7月9日


作为我们日常生活的一部分!”功能, we recognize 13 Penn Staters who have gone above and beyond what’s asked of them in their work at the University.   

This week, on behalf of the entire Penn State community, we’d like to say thank you to: 

  • Amy Beck, customer service representative in Auxiliary and Business Services, whose nominator wrote: “Amy greets every customer at the HUB food court checkout with a smile and friendly conversation. 她结账的速度很快, 记得她的许多顾客, and knows how they are going to pay before they even offer the information. 每次我在那里吃饭,她积极向上的精神都让我感到愉快.” 
  • 玛丽·杜宾克,免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校的注册主任, whose nominator wrote: “玛丽 is a problem-solver that is ready to spring into action the moment you let her know you need help. She likes to help students and will promptly try to find a solution to issues they may be experiencing. 玛丽致力于免费mg不朽情缘试玩,特别是我们的校园. 谢谢你所做的一切,玛丽.” 
  • 伊森 Forry, grants and contracts administrator at Applied Research Laboratory她获得了多项提名. One nominator wrote: “伊森 is always willing to help and find you the answer you need. He is extremely knowledgeable and friendly, and he is always willing to share his knowledge. No matter how busy he is, he always has the time to help you and answer your questions. 无论在什么情况下,伊森都表现出冷静和机智.” A second nominator wrote: “伊森 goes above and beyond to help research faculty and fellow admins, 他总是面带微笑,说着好话. He has become the unofficial ‘go-to’ person for SIMBA training and questions, and he embodies the kind of ‘esprit de corps’ that makes the contracts office a great place to work.” 
  • 艾丽西亚 Hawkins, assistant director of fraternity and sorority life in Student Affairs, whose nominator wrote: “艾丽西亚 started her position in our office in January and was absolutely invaluable to our success this past semester. 尽管过渡到一个新角色的挑战, 她一直泰然自若,随时准备在需要的时候挺身而出. 和她一起工作很愉快,总是让我们开怀大笑!” 
  • 杰夫·休斯,WPSU的编程和运营总监他的提名人写道:“与杰夫合作是一种荣幸. He gives 110% or more of his time to the overall operations and look of WPSU, 我们很幸运能拥有他.  As a supervisor or mentor, he has a gentle way of making you want to do your best. 他是一个充满激情和知识渊博的WPSU倡导者.” 
  • Janeann Lindsay, advancement office coordinator in the College of Arts and Architecture, whose nominator wrote: “Janeann is the ultimate team player and heart of our office. 在几次意外的人事变动之后, Janeann held off on retiring (something she'd been counting down the days to) to bridge the gap. She has truly kept us running like a well-oiled machine despite our office operating with fewer p艺术 than usual.” 
  • 塔米 May, academic program coordinator in the College of Agricultural Sciences, whose nominator wrote: “塔米 goes above and beyond to assist the faculty, 农业经济学系的教职工和学生, 社会学与教育学. She works tirelessly to support classroom scheduling and happily takes on other projects as needed.  她真的很想有所作为, 尤其是在支持我们的咨询办公室的时候.” 
  • 丽贝卡 Ort, teacher education program specialist at Penn State Harrisburg, whose nominator wrote: “Becky is extremely passionate and dedicated to Penn State. She works tirelessly to address student issues and makes it a point to always be positive and cheerful.  Becky is our 'go-to' person for questions; she knows the various campus operations and how to get things done." 
  • 凯拉 Pedmo, academic program coordinator in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, whose nominator wrote: “凯拉 enthusiastically and cheerfully supports the undergraduate activities in Earth and Mineral Sciences.  在员工流动期间, she professionally and efficiently managed additional responsibilities. She learned new tasks quickly and completely with positive energy, humor and joy.”  
  • 玛尔塔·普卢霍夫,食品系统协调员博士. Keiko Miwa Ross学生农场, 她的提名者写道:“这是玛尔塔在免费mg不朽情缘试玩的第三年, 她已经对学生产生了巨大的影响. She has started new projects related to food justice and empowered student advocates to enter this space. She goes above and beyond by working outside of typical business hours to facilitate educational cooking demos for students.” 
  • 丹尼斯 Poole, director of student success initiatives in Undergraduate Education, whose nominator wrote: “丹尼斯 is an extraordinary advocate for student success. Her ability to organize programming and provide support for students by investing her time and talent is admirable. 她是宾州州立大学成功的重要代表和资源!” 
  • 克雷格·瓦格纳,免费mg不朽情缘试玩蒙奥图分校的中尉他的提名人写道. 瓦格纳对大学的支持超越了一切. 他目前负责免费mg不朽情缘试玩五个校区的警务工作, 担任职业标准中尉, 在足球比赛和大型活动中工作. He is an effective supervisor earning the respect of those he supervises.” 
  • Lindsay Wells, I-Ask team lead in the Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ICDS), 他的提名人写道:“三年多了, Lindsay领导了我们的ICDS咆哮I-Ask中心, effectively our ‘first-line help desk’ for issues related to advanced research being conducted ICDS' high-performance computing system. She consistently and professionally handles all of the service calls, and she does it extremely well!” 

谢谢你,艾米, 玛丽, 伊森, 艾丽西亚, 杰夫, Janeann, 塔米, 丽贝卡, 凯拉, 玛尔塔, 丹尼斯, Craig and Lindsay — and to everyone who helps make Penn State such an incredible community! 

你知道有谁值得大声喊出来吗? 如果你有的话,考虑通过填写一份表格来提名那个人 网上简短表格.

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